Manuscript Guidelines
Manuscripts should normally fall between 1500 and 5000 words, the shorter contributions normally reporting on a single production and the longer several related productions or festival reports. All submissions must concern themselves with recent or contemporary work by indigenous artists. Historical studies and literary analyses are not acceptable, although some such material may of course be incorporated into reviews when relevant. The reviews should be primarily descriptive, not judgmental, although reviewers may of course include their opinions of the work. In addition to reports on current productions or groups of productions, we welcome interviews with prominent indigenous artists – actors, directors, designers, and dramatists.
Media Guidelines
Photos should be 300dpi, JPEG, preferably in color, ideally 6×9 inches (six inches wide, 9 inches high; 300dpi for the full size image.) It is the responsibility of the contributor to secure the copyright and permission for the use of the images for IS (Indigenous Stages). The photo credit has to be included in the JPEG file name and needs to be listed at the end of the manuscript.
The photo credit and JPEG image file should be listed in the following format:
HAMLET, by William Shakespeare, directed by Thomas Ostermeier at the Schaubühne Berlin. Photo: Arno Declair. Photo 1.
For submissions, please send proposals or articles to our editors at [email protected].